
Estate sale shelby township mi
Estate sale shelby township mi

estate sale shelby township mi

Your template will still have a full link to your sale and your sale photo gallery. Please note that Craigslist has stopped allowing external images as well as most html tags in their "for sale" listings. Contact us through our form at Call 24, or email us at Talk to you soon!įor answers to more commonly asked questions regarding the line system, how bidding works during a sale, discounts, and more, visit How do I take the next step?Ī: We'd love the opportunity to help you find the right solution for your estate. If you need to come back to get your item, we will write you a receipt so you can pick up the item anytime during the sale's open hours. Q: If I purchase a large item, how do I handle the pick-up?Ī: 95% of the time, we have staff on-site that can load items into your vehicle for you. IF SO, THE SALES MANAGER WILL GIVE YOU THE NUMBER TO THE OFFICE AND YOU CAN CALL THE OFFICE AND RETURN YOUR NON-WORKING ITEM THERE FOR A REFUND. THE SALES MANAGER MAY NOT BE ABLE TO ASSIST YOU WITH A REFUND DEPENDING ON FACTORS OUT OF THEIR CONTROL. We do not accept refunds on items that are in working condition, that the buyer decides he or she no longer wants after it has been paid for. Q: What is your refund policy? A: We offer a same-day – same-sale refund to customers with a receipt for an item that they have purchased and found to be in a non-working condition. Everything that a client allows us to sell will be available for purchase to the public on a first come first serve basis. We strive to bring the best experience to our customers.

estate sale shelby township mi

Q: Do you do any pre-sales or pre-views before the official opening day?Ī: No we do not. We always open the doors at ten o’clock sharp. Everyone else can go do whatever they would like until we open. The person that is handing out numbers has to stay at the sale location and pass out numbers until we open. That person then makes his own numbers keeps number one and passes out the rest of the numbers as more people arrive at the sale. How it works is the first person that arrives at the estate sale has the option to be number one. A: We do accept credit cards but we are no longer able to accept checks.Ī: Street Numbers are the number system that we use to let people into the home at the beginning of the sale.

Estate sale shelby township mi